How do I apply a coupon?
There are two places where you can apply a coupon:
1. On the Cart page
Doesn’t matter where you are on, clicking Cart in the upper right corner takes you to the Cart page.
In the box next to the description of the pattern (or several ones) you wan to order you find the field to insert the coupon code. Clicking Apply Coupon will deduct the coupon amount (based on percentage or dollars, depending on the type of coupon) and you can continue with shopping or go straight to the Checkout.
2. On the Checkout – Order Review page
After you’ve filled in your checkout details, most of all your email address so we can send you the download link(s) for the ordered patterns, you’re taken to the order review page. Above is the Apply Coupon field for you to fill in. Please check that the amount in the Cart Subtotal changes accordingly.